About Dawn

Dawn Whyte is a coach, consultant and air traffic controller. She has a variety of experiences in the aviation industry, including 30 years as an air traffic controller. Dawn has spent the last 10 years leading and coaching her teams in traffic management and believes in empowering people to maximize their potential.
In 2020, Dawn watched as COVID devastated aspects of the aviation industry and along with it, the lives of the people who were employed in it. She noticed many aviation professionals struggling as they navigated their new realities. Dawn felt there was an opportunity to support individuals manage change through career and life coaching. She believes in creating a space to have honest conversations where one can determine their values, strengths, and goals. Dawn understands the challenges and culture of the aviation industry. She will partner with you to map out a road to success and fulfillment, professionally or personally. In addition to formal leadership and change management education, Dawn has completed the Life Coach Certification program at Rhodes Wellness College in Vancouver.
Health and wellness is an important part of her life. She has been a runner for 30 years. If you don’t find her running around her neighborhood (literally), you can find her on the golf course with her daughter and husband.