Because I have been exactly where you are right now. I am living proof that change can be exciting and nerve wracking, but manageable.
This is my first blog. Ever. It is a culmination of many firsts; some I’ve loved and some have been thrust upon me by circumstances beyond my control. However, we aren’t pushed to grow when life is easy, growth happens when you are faced with what is hard.
In February 2020, my husband and I went on a trip to New Orleans. We were finally going to cross Mardi Gras off our bucket list. COVID was in the news but it seemed like something that was happening somewhere else, not knocking on our doorstep . Within a couple of weeks, life had been turned upside down. I tried to adapt to the new normal. However, the constant change became more difficult as one month turned into many. I thought I could roll with the punches. I believed I was resilient.
Boy, was I wrong.
Ironically, I had signed up to become a certified life coach in September 2020. I always wanted to do more and coaching seemed a natural progression based on my management style. However, it was like the universe knew I was going to need coaching as much as I wanted to be a coach.
I believe things happen for a reason. I didn’t just stumble into coaching when I did. It was meant to be. Just as you are searching for something more. Together we can overcome the challenges, live our best lives and change the future of the aviation industry.
I am not done learning and developing my skills. I am still growing in ways I never imagined I would have one year ago.
I don’t know what the future will bring, but I know I am enough and will find a way to navigate the good and the bad that is life. I will, unapologetically, be authentic through it all. If I can help others do the same in their life, I will.
Bring on tomorrow.